I like his movies..He strikes me as more of a european filmaker than a hollywood one... his films seem to focus around existential themes and are developed through dialogue/voiceovers rather than action...they are "realist" pictures...
anyhow i don't believe in reviewing movies.. i think people should see films for themselves and make up their own minds. preferably see a movie with as little information and few preconceptions going in as possible...don't read reviews and try to avoid previews!
but i do strongly recommend this movie...
once you've seen it you may wish to check out this Douglas Payne interview at: http://www.cinecon.com/news.php?id=0410274
Alexander Payne. I agree, he's a good director and an auteur (original, creative, true to his vision). Giamatti is great, every time out of the box. That's it for me. Later.